
What equipment is needed to produce juice?

1 Jul

Although many people think that whole fruits and vegetables are used in the production of juice, this is not always the case, on the contrary. Most fruits must be shredded, ground or mashed before squeezing the juice, which requires the use of special machines for grinding and mashing.

According to market research, in the last few years, juice production has accounted for a significant share of the beverage industry, while the Coronavirus pandemic has further influenced this trend, emphasizing the production of all-natural juices, giving small producers a valuable opportunity to appropriate a much larger part of that market.

Conditions in which it was not possible to procure groceries whose presence on store shelves we implied, additionally reoriented people to the processing of home-grown fruits and vegetables, which delighted fans of healthy living who were in large numbers before the pandemic. Consumers focused on healthy eating habits are increasingly interested in fresh, healthy, and minimally processed juices, which they want to consume daily.

The question that arises is what producers can do so that they can produce all the quantities of juices that their customers have in the beginning as efficiently as possible, without compromising the quality of the final product. The answer is logical: the only solution is efficient equipment with which you can process fruits and vegetables in a way that will not impair their quality and nutrition at any stage of the process.

No matter what type of juice you produce, what you will need as a producer is a fruit washing line, a fruit grinder and masher, extractors, mixing tanks, and pasteurizers.

Bez obzira na to koju vrstu sokova proizvodite, ono što će vam kao proizvođaču biti potrebno jeste linija za pranje plodova, mašina za mlevenje i pasiranje plodova, ekstraktori, rezervoari za mešanje i pasterizatori.

Washing fruits and vegetables

The fruit and vegetable washing machine is called a fruit bubble washer machine and it is the place where the raw materials for your juice go after picking and carefully selecting the fruits that you will use to make the juice. Washing fruits using a fruit bubble washer machine will clean them, remove traces of dirt and pesticides from them and prepare them for processing. When the fruits leave the fruit bubble washer machine, they are moved with the elevator to the mill or strainer, which can be placed in line with the fruit bubble washer machine – elevator.

Fruit and vegetable mill

After preparing the fruits by pre-washing and rinsing on the fruit bubble washer machine – elevator, the process of grinding the fruit follows. By grinding, crushing, or shredding fruit – apples, pears, quinces – you get a mass ready for further processing on fruit purées.

Fruit and vegetable masher

Processing in a fruit masher, i.e. a mashing machine, removes (separates) the stones and small stalks, which results in a purified pulp that is used for further processing, ie. juice production itself.

Additional equipment you can purchase if you want to take your production to the next level include water purification equipment, concentrate making equipment, homogenizers, cellulose collection tanks, and bottle filling and closing equipment.